Whitley/Whitley Architects presents three projects at the "Say It Loud" exhibit March 12, 2020 by Scott Whitley

Scott, William and James Whitley will present separate projects for the “Say It Loud” Exhibit at Karamu Performing Arts Center, March 12, 2020. William Whitley will showcase Cleveland State University’s Wolstein Center, James Whitley will showcase Kent State University’s Fashion Museum and Scott Whitley will showcase the New Eastside Market. For more information, visit the Beyond the Built Environment website at: https://www.beyondthebuilt.com/say-it-loud-ohio

NOMA Event, December 5th at 6:30p by Scott Whitley

Come learn about the Cleveland Public Library’s Master Plan for all Libraries. Spend an evening with Jeremiah Swetel (COO of Cleveland Public Library) and find out how CPL will provide opportunities in regards to diversity and inclusion. The event will be held at Cleveland State University’ School of Engineering in Room WH405.

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Movie, TV and Sound Studios Coming to Cleveland by Scott Whitley

Whitley/Whitley Architects is helping usher in a new era of movie making and its support systems in the City of Cleveland. Cleveland’s Studio City is in the early stages of of planning and is hoping to bring a Hollywood like industry to Cleveland. The concept is to develop a mixed-use district that is anchored by the Studios. This will become the area in Cleveland where the filming and arts communities can support each other and thrive.

Entrance off of Woodland Avenue.

50,000 sf of office space and 72,000 sf of studios.

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Whitley/Whitley Architects Celebrated for Years of Community Service by Scott Whitley

The City of Cleveland celebrated the final day of Black History Month 2019 with an award ceremony honoring Whitley/Whitley Architects and Planners. The City of Cleveland had many events throughout the month of February to celebrate Black History Month, but the event honoring the Whitley’s was considered the “crowning ceremony”. The theme of the event was “Cleveland: Building a Sense of Community”. It paid a special tribute to the founding principals of the firm; James Whitley, Joyce Whitley and William Whitley.

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Morphological Syntax by Scott Whitley

Integer non nisl at mauris faucibus pharetra eu eu mi. Sed vitae feugiat purus. Vivamus dignissim orci eros, nec aliquet odio varius non. Aenean placerat metus et quam scelerisque posuere. Fusce odio velit, rutrum vitae velit vitae, dignissim varius neque. Donec nec justo sed mi ultrices suscipit.

Integer non nisl at mauris faucibus pharetra eu eu mi. Sed vitae feugiat purus. Vivamus dignissim orci eros, nec aliquet odio varius non. Aenean placerat metus et quam scelerisque posuere. Fusce odio velit, rutrum vitae velit vitae, dignissim varius neque. 

Phasellus at arcu arcu. In non vestibulum magna. Morbi eu tempor dui. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam tempor eleifend diam, nec rutrum turpis gravida at. Sed viverra suscipit mi, eget consequat leo tristique sed. Proin vestibulum egestas metus in convallis. Nunc non massa quis libero mattis sollicitudin.

Frication by Scott Whitley


Vestibulum sit amet porta risus. Vestibulum condimentum sodales sollicitudin. Sed pretium dui enim, id auctor mi finibus eget. Phasellus auctor risus placerat lectus congue, eget luctus metus pellentesque. 

Velar Aspirations by Scott Whitley

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatumzzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.